Monday, July 4, 2011

Are you an Encourager or a Discourager?

What a question, are you an encourager or a discourager? Now who would be honest to say they are a discourager? Not very many. I would hope most of us are encouragers. I enjoy making others happy and building them up. It does not take a lot of effort to lift others up.

So many people are discouraged about their life. There could be several reasons for their discouragement so why not try to brighten their day up? It doesn't take much time to say something nice to someone or just give them a smile. You may be the first or only one that day that did something nice for them. That smile could change a persons outlook on life. That one smile could give them the strength to keep on pushing through that day or that problem. It doesn't cost anything to give a compliment or a smile. It takes more effort to be rude then it does to be nice. Why go about your day being a discourager? Wouldn't you want to be happy instead?

If you are having a bad day, which we all have those, try to smile at someone and just see how that makes you feel. More than likely it will help you and the more you smile the faster you will realize your day may not be that bad.

I know that I would rather be around someone that is happy, positive, fun, an encourager than someone who is always negative, down, rude and discouraged all the time. I use to be very negative and didn't realize how negative until it was brought to my attention. When that happened I started to see why life seemed so unhappy for me. I quickly changed my mind set and started to think and react positively. Wow, did that change my whole outlook on life.

I always smile at others and tell them "hello" or compliment them on their hair, clothes, purse or anything that catches my eye that's nice. I'm not fake about it, if I compliment someone, it is truely a compliment. Each time I say "hello" to someone they say "hello" back. If I smile at someone they usually smile back. If they don't smile back, I don't get upset because they may be having one of those bad days we all have.

So, look inside yourself and notice if you are an encourager or a discourager. Try to encourage at least one person each day and see how that makes you feel. I bet you will notice a difference in yourself when you start doing that.

Please feel free to leave me a comment about what you think of my article. Once you take my advice, come back and tell me about your experience. I would love to hear from you.

Thanks for listening,


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