Friday, February 25, 2011

Why is skin care so important?

Taking care of your skin is worth the time and effort you put into it.  When you are young you don't worry about taking care of your skin.  I know because I didn't worry about mine not realizing the importance.  Your face, hands and neck are the first areas that show your age.  Most of the time this doesn't matter to you until you start noticing your wrinkles.  At that moment you start searching for solutions to hide those wrinkles.  That is where the skin care comes in.  You should start using your skin care when you first start wearing makeup.  If you are young that doesn't mean you don't need a good skin care.  The sooner you start using a good skin care the better your skin will be.  You don't want to wait until you see the wrinkles, do you?  No matter your age, wrinkles or not, you should be taking care of your skin.  Take pride in yourself because you are beautiful.

-Make your dreams come true-


  1. Cathy, I am so excited to see you blog up and running.... thank you for dropping off my BC order last week, sorry I missed you!!!

    Looking forward to catching up with you next week, hugs - Debbie

  2. Hello, Debbie
    I am still learning all I can about blogging. I do enjoy it. Let me know if you have any suggestions about my blog to help me. I am all ears when it comes to others letting me know what they would like to see on my blog.
    I miss you to and hope to see you soon.
